Giving To Get Rich
Sow What?
“The bare-minimum” is that what your want your cilents to say about your customer service?Going the extra mile, there just isn’t very much traffic on the extra mile.The only way to get rich is by giving. Isn’t that why it is a sin to be broke?
How to Get More Customers
and Referrals
NO! it is not a new webpage and expensive online ads.
Yes, they’ll come back, because you go the extra mile.
On top of your regular service, there is an endless supply
of work to do for their heart and soul.
Don’t compete anymore!
Just Create and Give
YES! Your customers will automaticaly show their friends
Who else wants more customers?
Our Most Popular Gifts Explained
Humans Love Emotions
The four power wants are:
- Emotional Stimulation
- Love
- Excitment
- Laughter
- Sexual attraction
- Security
- Psychological Relief
- Higher Status
- People want what others want
Giving by Arthur William Beer
To get he had tried,
yet his store was still meager.
To a wise man he cried,
in a voice keen and eager;
Pray tell me how I may successfully live?
And the wise man replied,
“To get you must give.”
As to giving he said,
“What have I to give?”
I’ve scarce enough bread,
and of course one must live;
But I would partake of Life’s bountiful store.
Came the wise man’s response;
“Then you must give more.”
The lesson he learned;
to get was forgotten,
Toward mankind he turned
with a love new begotten.
As he gave of himself in useful living,
Then joy crowned his days,
for he grew rich in giving.
The Perfect Surrounding
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Fine Food Cuisine
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Expert Reviews
Here are some testimonials
They shared with me how to create emotions. It’s actually quite simple, it doesn’t cost a thing. There are an infinite number of emotions so it’s different everytime. I’m so glad this is part of my tool box.
Fashion Designer
I’m a doctor I usually can’t do much in public. When they offered me a gift which i could apply in public I demanded that they hand it over.
Dr. Upchurch
It was a while ago, when ‘Despacito’ was on the radio everyday… I turns out that song has a secret truth to it. And when I learned of this, I had a lot of fun sharing the idea with my friends and seeing what it could do when we were out.
Kiara Yaameen
owner Brua cafe
The gift was pretty useful. I love how these guys do it. They give you a gift, you use the gift in life, and everyone wins. I feel empowered my clients are amazed and pretty soon they go to their store as well. How to feel “forgiven” they call it.
Mark Nowell
Our Most Popular Gifts Explained
Improve yourself, the more value you can give the more you are worth
Seed of the Personal Development
- Ebook – “The Might of Character Building.”
- List of 600+ Character Traits
- The Secret Application hack of the song “Despacito” (with this you can give protection to others)
Perfect for Relationship Marketing And Helping People get a Positive Self-Image
Click here
Seed of the Healer
- Emotional meridian points on the body
- The “Wheel” technique for helping a friend feel all five of the most core emotions.
- With this seed you will also be able to focus on an emotion while convesing.
- Also Included in this seed is the “Lightbulb Method,” with this you can WAKE anybody up.
For example, the point “under arm” is where emotions of guilt are stored. Let’s see what you can do with that.
(You could send healing energy there, or you can focus on it over a conversation.)
Perfect for Healing and Processing Emotions
Click here
Seed of the Enlightenment
“Those who know the law won’t be broke.”
- Universal law cheat sheet
- A movie about the law of attraction
- An introduction to Innate Intelligence (trusting your intuition “Heart centered guidance”)
Perfect for Seeking the Truth
Click here
Seed of the Master Marketer
- Seed of Character Development
- Seed of the Healer
- Seed of Enlightenment
All three together, will give you the ability to give in useful living. (Which is where your clients will share the gifts with friends, and you will become more sought after)
(You could send healing energy there, or you can focus on it over a conversation.)
Perfect for makiing the world a better place (The most common goal of businesses)
Click here
The Best Experience Ever
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Chris Jones
Travel Blogger