Create Word of Mouth Marketing Give Ideas People Want to Share Hawaiian HA

Create Word of Mouth

Give ideas people want to share.

Giving by Arthur William Beer


To get he had tried,
yet his store was still meager.
To a wise man he cried,
in a voice keen and eager;
Pray tell me how I may successfully live?
And the wise man replied,
“To get you must give.”

As to giving he said,
“What have I to give?”
I’ve scarce enough bread,
and of course one must live;
But I would partake of Life’s bountiful store.
Came the wise man’s response;
“Then you must give more.”

The lesson he learned;
to get was forgotten,
Toward mankind he turned
with a love new begotten.
As he gave of himself in useful living,
Then joy crowned his days,
for he grew rich in giving.

Rule #1 Give more in Use-value than you take in Cash-value

To create word of mouth, a good rule to follow is: you must learn to give more in use-value than you take in Cash-value. That is the secret to success. Customers want Emotions, a Higher Status, and to have a good time! You can give them a lot for their money, here is one way of doing it.

create word of mouth marketing give ideas people want to share

The Idea covered in this page is

The Hawaiian hooponopono “Ha” Breathing Technique

“It clears like nobody’s business.” – Dr. Hew Len

When there are 2 or more customers…

Ideally, there will be a female customer and a male customer.

They are about to mingle and engage each other. Both will learn and try something new at your salon.

If nothing it will give them both a chance to be pro-active.

Teach your female customer how to “Ha.”

For those times when someone tries to project something on you, and your body get’s all woo-woo.

We’ll use the Hawaiian ho’oponopono “Ha” method.

It is easy to do. Picture a square that is equal on all sides. Explain how to your guest.

Breathe in for about 10 seconds. 

hold breath for 10 seconds.

Breathe out for 10 seconds.

hold breath for 10 seconds.

This is one round of the “Ha”

Ask your male customer to test her out

Ask him to try to persuade your female customer. To picture how this looks like think of the term: “Covert-Hypnosis.” When he does…

None Shall Pass!

Get your Female guest to clear it with the “Ha” method. You’ll soon be able to see how accurate this method is.

Why these ideas are good for business..

Security is an emotion that’s listed under the power wants category. So is “higher status.” As well as sexual attraction. Helping people be proactive is good for thier lives, and giving them this clearing method might be something they never even heard of before. It’s a new option for them. It’s just for fun, but it sure is time well spent. Think if you will, of something that you are good at. It’s very likely that when you were a child, you planted a seed for it when you were just “playing around.”

Have fun!



Here is a program if you want to know more about Ho’oponopono. It will teach you how to stop living in the past and create a new in the now.

Click Here for the affiliate link


There is a way to make people addicted, by satisfying 3 human needs.. click here for that article


More Word of Mouth Ideas

Take a look at my catalog of gift building ideas, click here.


Here are other ideas:

Word of Mouth  idea “Ha” Breathing Technique

Mirror and Lead method

Natural cycle of emotions idea

Emotional freedom techniques 
