S.M.O.T.H.E.R. – A Relationship Game

How to play S.M.O.T.H.E.R.

Building a strong relationship with another person has never been so simple. S.M.O.T.H.E.R. is a great game to play with your friend. The point is to build rapport. Both must start off ice-cold to one another, and in the end, you’ll find that you have built a fire turn ? into ? . In order to win, you must check off each letter of S.M.O.T.H.E.R.

Using the law of Cause and effect seek to check off a letter by asking yourself, how the act of that letter can be done. Try it and when it works, you can move on to the next step.

Some steps only need to be executed. The law of Cause and Effect can still help you, but it won’t really be necessary.


This is a great game to play with your friend. Remember: turn ? INTO ?


UniversalLawlyPop: I have a lot of fun with this game because the results are different every time. There is a lot of variety. Just going through the steps really empowers me, I feel in control. And of course, the new connections are a good thing too.

Hull: Well although it does look pretty simple, Lawly, I can see how this can benefit you. When trying to make new friends just give them the impression that you would like to talk to them, be warm. I hope you are sharing this idea with people. This relationship activity could really help build bridges and lasting friendships.

UniversalLawlyPop: Yep, and if I ever don’t want to make friends… I just do the opposite ?Either way, let’s use the universal law of Cause and Effect for this game.


Let’s use the Universal Law of Cause and Effect

Universal Law of Cause and Effect
Law of Cause and Effect

Universal Law of Cause and Effect

Everything has a cause. Every cause has an effect. Every effect has a cause.

How to use your body to seek a cause


Use your body to seek what you want. Pay attention to how it feels. This is intuition.

“Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.”

— Swedish Proverb


[ ] SMILE – Cause your partner to smile

[ ] MIRROR – LEAD – Mirror your partner’s body language and then lead. Act as if you are divulging a secret, or lean in more intimately

[ ] OPEN ARMS – Cause your partner to uncross their arms

[ ] TOKEN TOUCH – Cause your partner to do a handshake or a fist bump

[ ] HUNCH – When your partner is done talking, take a hunch about what they just said. Say what you think they mean.

[ ] LONG EYE CONTACT – Cause your partner to hold eye contact for a little while longer than usual.

[ ] REASSURE WITH PRAISE. – Offer praise to encourage them “What a good job you are doing!”

Mirror and lead – How to play this step


relationship games
relationship ideas
relationship activities

Level 2: Co-Create with each other

Here is another activity. Build a strong relationship with this idea. First, identify your archetypes. When you know them, you can go straight into co-creating with each other. This is an affiliate link:


“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

– Carl Jung

archetypes | archetypes spiritual | archetypes jungian | archetypes quiz

Click here for free archetype identifier:

“People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.”

— Joseph F. Newton Men

Want to become an expert at helping people develop? Try the seed of Character Development:

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Want to know how to heal others? Try the seed of the healer:


Want to try the S.M.O.T.H.E.R. game with another Universal Law? Try the seed of Enlightenment:


Want to know how to serve better? The better you serve, the better your earn! Try the final seed, the Ticket of purpose:


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