Why we read about it if we don’t know about it?
The Science of getting rich
Science of Getting Rich Wallace Wattles Why not learn how to get rich?
These following are three great books were selected in order to help you grow. In CBT cognitive-behavioral therapy there are 3 parts. Toughts Emotions Behaviour Each one of them affect the other two. Below are the books, and which one of the three CBT parts they will increase for you. Above the three parts in the picture below there is a title which says “Self-Image” If you wish, you can picture yourself as you would like to be in the future and give yourself a name. Studying these three books will greatly change your life, because you are self-educating yourself. You will be successful, it is human nature to. The ideas in these books will give you more things to ponder and create with. What good you will put out will comeback to you. I suggest you learn and craft effective thoughts which will help the people you come across in life. I hope you choose to be a go-giver and not a go-getter. You reap what you sow, so become a loving reaper. Be an idea man, a knowledge worker, they call that being “professional.” I hope you become more co-operative than competitive. The next time you watch the ending credits of a movie, remind yourself that all those people had to collaborate in order to create that movie. “None of us are as good as all of us.” Please, grow and become a valuable person.
Let’s break it down into just focusing on upgrading your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions to manifest wealth, in a simple way:
1. Upgrade Your Thoughts
First, change how you think about money. If you have negative thoughts like, “I’ll never have enough” or “Money is hard to get,” you need to flip them. Start thinking more positively, like:
– “I can learn how to manage money better.”
– “There are plenty of opportunities to make money.”
From the book:
A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart, and set out to accomplish it. He should make this purpose the centralizing point of his thoughts
By shifting your mindset, you open yourself up to new possibilities.
2. Upgrade Your Behaviors
Next, change your actions . It’s not enough to just think positively; you also have to act in a way that aligns with those new thoughts.
– Remember “Take great comfort in knowing that ALL great feats are accomplished one small step at a time.” – Og Mandino
– Look for ways to invest, start a side business, or learn a new skill that can increase your income.
From the book:
This gives us the inner guiding which we call intuition. ” Intuition is to the spiritual nature and understanding practically what sense perception is to the sensuous nature and understanding.
These actions will reflect your new mindset about wealth.
3. Upgrade Your Emotions
Finally, notice how you feel about money. If you feel stressed, scared, or guilty about making or having money, that can hold you back. Instead, try to shift to emotions of confidence, excitement, and gratitude.
– Feel good about earning and saving money.
– Be excited about opportunities to grow financially.
From the book:
Get into the spirit of the state desired by assuming the feeling that would be yours were you already the one you want to be. As you capture the feeling of the state sought, you are relieved of all effort to make it so, for it is already so.
This emotional shift helps you attract more positive experiences related to wealth.
By upgrading your thoughts to be more positive, acting in ways that build wealth, and feeling good about money, you’ll start aligning yourself with financial success!
James Allen – As a man thinketh
This will show you that each thought you have has an effect on your world.
Ralph Waldo Trine – In tune with the infinite
This will show you how to ask your inner light (your intutition) when you need to solve a problem
Neville Goddard – Feeling is the secret
This will teach you how to create feelings
Feeling Is The Secret eBook
Let’s turn knowledge into power!
For Businesses and Workers
I have spent a lot of my life giving. You reap what you sow. I do it because I am an idea man, a knowledge worker in the age of information. Great gifts used to be food, then it was electronics, but it’s the age of information. When I’m working at my family business, as a Customer Experience Manager, CEM, I am sharing with the customers ideas that they will find useful in their lives.
It took me a while to find out what this was called. And then one day I saw “Added-value Markteting.” That’s what it is, to give value to customers so they can have a good time when they are with their friends and family.
Sometimes I don’t do this with talking, but by communicating with my body language and vibrations. When that happens it’s a whole nother thing. It’s more like Spiritual Tools. I do not mean I’m telepathic, but I’m sure we’ve come across some people who have such strong vibration, wether positive or negative, that everyone around them can pick it up. That’s another thing we can use in communication, isn’t it?
It’s good to collaborate! So! if you want to see some examples of how i turn knowledge into experiences for others, be sure to read all about it in my blog here: www.godhandlaw.com Thank you for your time, I hope you have a better tomorrow! Email me and we can create something together! Behave in the successful way! -Hull